What's New in ver.2.4.8 - Fix source view dialog position - Improve source view script loading performance - Minor fixes/adjustments What's New in ver.2.4.7 - Bug fixes: enlarge droppable area, slider update. What's New in ver.2.4.6 - Improve dropdown categories - New onChange param - Formatted source code editor - Remove some deprecated jQuery shorthands - Bug fix: column removed after applying paragraph What's New in ver.2.4.5 - Bug fix (error caused by destroy usage) What's New in ver.2.4.4 - Same image embed bug fix - Image Embed resulting dark image issue fix What's New in ver.2.4.3 - Close button for dialogs - Bug fixes What's New in ver.2.4.2 - Fix CTRL-Z & CTRL-Y (undo & redo) issue - Add option to make a block cannot be edited or deleted (using data-mode="readonly-protected"). See readme.txt - Other fixes What's New in ver.2.4.1 - Bug fixes (Insert Image, Font size, text color) What's New in ver.2.4 - Specify custom path for modules using modulePath parameter (see readme) - New buttons for table, image, text settings & formatting - Enhance open/close dialogs for editing - Enhance overall editing interface - More font selections - Enhance Undo Redo function - Use Bootstrap 4 for Bootstrap examples - Image Embed resulting dark image issue fix - Other fixes What's New in ver.2.3 - New "buttons" parameter to configure editor's toolbar buttons (See readme.txt) - Updated custom code snippet/block. - New slider snippets in "Slider/Slideshow" category. Try example7.html and see readme.txt on how to enable the slider module. - Fixes What's New in ver.2.2 - New dialog for Google Map embed. - Prevent dialog close on code editor & add cancel button. What's New in Ver.2.1 - Fixes (including code block error fix) What's New in Ver.2.0 - New custom code snippet/block. To enable, please see readme.txt - New example7.html (showing a code block example & how to enable it) - Updated readme.txt What's New in Ver.1.9.8 - Fixes (inlcuding fix for image embed positioning problem) What's New in Ver.1.9.7 - Updated readme.txt - ContentBuilder UI update (for direct image embed) - New "Click to Enlarge" image option, by setting the new "largerImageHandler" parameter (See readme.txt) - New example: using Jquery Lightbox plugin to work with "Click to Enlarge" image feature (See readme.txt) - example6-lightbox.php (PHP example) - example6-lightbox.aspx (ASP.NET example) - Fix text alignment function (now can be applied when multiple paragraphs are selected) - New "Target" option for image link. - Updated JQuery & JQuery UI What's New in Ver.1.9.6 - Updated snippets' css (content.css & content_bootstrap.css) - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.9.5 - New: sample email content building. See example-email.html & readme.txt. - New customTags parameter. See readme.txt. - New absolutePath parameter. See readme.txt. - Toolbar popup inconsistent height fix. What's New in Ver.1.9.4 - Fixes (enable block background, toolbar fix, alignment fix, delete error fix) What's New in Ver.1.9.3 - Edtiting toolbar improvement - Color dialog improvement - Icon dialog improvement - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.9.2 - Fix on snippets loading - Fix on editable tags - Updated snippets' css What's New in Ver.1.9.1 - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.9 - New Bootstrap examples - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.8.9 - New title field in link dialog - Snippets updated (now includes 298 snippets) - No Crop option when embedding image - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.8.8 - New Snippets - New Icons dialog - Updated examples - Zoom function disabled due to instability - Fix incorrect drag helper position while sorting & dragging What's New in Ver.1.8.7 - Enhancement on dropzone - Fix onFileSelectClick functionality What's New in Ver.1.8.6 - Use the latest jQuery UI 1.11.4 - Fix incorrect drag helper position while sorting & dragging - Show drag helper again in Firefox What's New in Ver.1.8.5 - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.8.4 - New parameters to control "Embed original image" checkbox on Image dialog: (see readme.txt) embedOriginalChecked (default:false) & hideEmbedOriginal (default:false) - Disable zoom function on Edge browser - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.8.3 - Fix font selection on multiple instance - Fix embed image quality!! - Fix embed image orientation problem - Option to embed image (from local URL) within placeholder or insert original (image from external URL will be embedded as is) - Easier drag/drop when content empty - New "scrollHelper" parameter to show Scroll up/down helper (default: false) $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ scrollHelper: true, ..... }); - New "snippetPageSliding" parameter for different sliding effect for snippets. If set true, when snippets opens, the entire page will also slide. (default: false) $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ snippetPageSliding: true, ..... }); - Adjust row controls on small screen - New "onImageBrowseClick" and "onImageSettingClick" events for custom actions - onImageBrowseClick: Triggered when image browse icon is clicked - onImageSettingClick: Triggered when image settings icon is clicked Image browse icon and image settings icon are displayed when you hover an image. $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ onImageBrowseClick: function () { }, onImageSettingClick: function () { }, ..... }); - New "onImageSelectClick" and "onFileSelectClick" events for custom actions - onImageSelectClick: Triggered when custom image select button is clicked - onFileSelectClick: Triggered when custom file select button is clicked If the events are used, custom image select button and custom file select button will be displayed on the Image Settings dialog. $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ onImageSelectClick: function () { }, onFileSelectClick: function () { }, ..... }); - Fix create and destroy instance bug What's New in Ver.1.8.2 - Update rangeslider - Embedding image on small screen device will create the same (actual) image dimesion as in larger screen (will look good on desktop screen) - Toolbar top position is now based on screen height - Some important fixes What's New in Ver.1.8.1 - New html button on editing toolbar - New option to have the editing toolbar always displayed (after cursor is placed on text): $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ toolbarDisplay: 'always', ..... }); - Now it's possible to make a snippet not editable, just add data-mode="readonly" on the snippet's DIV, for example:
Now you can put assets folder not on its default location. Path adjustment will be needed using snippetPathReplace parameter, for example: $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ snippetPathReplace: ['assets/minimalist-basic/', 'mycustomfolder/assets/minimalist-basic/'], ..... }); - CTRL-A will select parent element (not the entire block) for safe text editing - Some important fixes and enhancements What's New in Ver.1.8 - Updated documentation in readme file - New Snippets Set "minimalist-basic", located at assets/minimalist-basic/snippets.html See example10.php or example10.aspx - New snippets CATEGORIES. See example10.php or example10.aspx (please see documentation in the readme file) - Default jQuery UI version is back to 1.11.0 (but still compatible with the new jQuery UI 1.11.x) - Delete block confirmation dialog - Fixes & adjustments What's New in Ver.1.7.9 - Supports the latest JQuery UI v1.11.2 - Limit image zoom-out to not smaller than its placeholder - New example9.html (showing how to print content) - New example10.php and example10.aspx (showing another approach of saving content using normal form. Also shows how to submit multiple content area) - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.7.8 - Enter issue (when using IE) fixed - Text color bug fixed What's New in Ver.1.7.7: - Change image hover control position for supporting small images - Fix outline dissapear when clicking editor buttons (Bold, italic, etc) - Fix zoom changed to 0.8 when resizing (if enableZoom=false) - Now it's possible to make an image not replaceable. Just add data-fixed="1" to the element (please see readme.txt) - Minor fixes & adjustments What's New in Ver.1.7.6: - Updated saveimage.php - Few updates to support our "300+ Beutiful Blocks"'s snippets categories dropdown: http://innovastudio.com/content-builder/never-write-boring-content-again.aspx What's New in Ver.1.7.5: - Fixes: Google font not applied after saving and problem when applying Google font on multi drop area - "default" snippets css updated (change the body font to Open Sans) What's New in Ver.1.7.4: - New option: left side editor toolbar, by setting toolbar: 'left' (please see readme.txt) - New examples of custom CMS interface: example7.html & example8.html - Minor fixes & adjustments What's New in Ver.1.7.3: - Natural editing by default. To make the editing back to "SAFE MODE" please see readme.txt - New Heading selection - New Font selection - New Size selection - List function enhancement - Color function enhancement - New "snippetList" parameter (please see readme.txt) - Fixes & other enhancements What's New in Ver.1.7.2: - New imageEmbed parameter to enable/disable Direct Image Embed (please see readme.txt) - New sourceEditor parameter to enable/disable HTML source editing (please see readme.txt) - Show progress status during image embed - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.7.1: - New destroy() method to disable/destroy the plugin at runtime (please see readme.txt) - New copy button to duplicate content - New colors property, to specify array of custom colors (please see readme.txt) - New snippetOpen property, to open the snippet panel on first load (please see readme.txt) - New onDrop event, to run custom script when a block is dropped (added) to the content (please see readme.txt) - Snippet number info on hover - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.7: - Multiple instance support. See example6.html - Introducing "selectable" property for flexible editing. See readme & example7.html - New Unlink button - New Color & Background text button - Smooth drag and drop - Change outline style (when block is clicked). You can customize it on contentbuilder.css: .ui-dragbox-outlined { ... } - Now support jQuery no-conflict - Fixes What's New in Ver.1.6: - Fix icons conflict: scripts/icons/ - Reset zoom if zoom feature disabled. - Error message on saving image: saveimage.php - minor fixes What's New in Ver.1.5: - Option to enable custom image or file select dialog (please see readme.txt) - Option to disable zoom feature (please see readme.txt) What's New in Ver.1.4: - Zoom feature is now enabled on Firefox - Fix controls positioning on hover What's New in Ver.1.3: - New 'Edit Link' dialog for video embed (Youtube & Vimeo) - New 'snippetTool' property for making snippet tool slide from left or right: Value: left/right. Default is 'right'. Example: $("#contentarea").contentbuilder({ snippetTool: 'left', ..... }); What's New in Ver.1.2: - New image dialog (Image Url, Alt text, Navigate URL). - loadHTML() method (for loading HTML content at runtime). See readme. - Saved images are now using file names (good for SEO). - Show warning if non image is selected. - Saved image format is now automatically following the original image embeddedd (no need to set the hiquality parameter). But if hiquality parameter is set to true, all saved image will be in PNG (this results bigger size of image file). - Important fixes: - Saving image fix